
The Vampire 600 v2 has arrived. Found a 1 Euro coin and placed it next to it for size reference. The Vampire is tiny. The "empty socket" you see bottom right is…
The more interesting side of the Vampire 600 v2 card. The big chip middle left is the Altera Cyclone III FPGA. Top left you have a micro SD reader, then below…
This is where the magic happens. The Altera Cyclone III FPGA chip, tiny as it is, contains here a 68k compatible CPU faster even than a 100MHz 60060. But it…
The chip above the Vampirte 600 v2 is a MC68010 CPU (Same size as a regular 68000). As you can see, the Altera Cyclone III is tiny compared to the good old…
Ok in order to secure the Vampire onto the mobo I need to remove the back shielding from the mobo. I begin by removing stuff that will get in the way.. Like the…
And here is the floppy connector on an A600.
Just placing the Vampire where it will go onto the motherboard. It will sit ontop the MC68000 CPU. Here the metal shielding below the mobo is still on and needs…
Ok, lower shield removed from underside the A600 motherboard.
Yes you need to remove all the small screws sitting next to the ports in the back in order to remove the shield below the A600 mobo.
The underside of an A600 mobo with the shield removed.
This is what the lower shield looks like without the A600 mobo. Note the plastic sheet laying at the bottom, to provide insulation.
This is the socket on the Vampire 600 v2, according to rumors, you are advised to use a bit of sandpaper and grind away the 4 small round things that stick out…
In order to secure the Vampire onto the mobo, you get 2 small plastic pieces and 4 screws in 2 sizes. The smaller screws go on the backside, and the slightly…
The hole on the Vampire 600 v2 board should align with the hole on the white plastic block.
Hmm.. what happened.. It looked good before, but that was before I pressed down the socket all the way down over the CPU. Suddenly the holes dont align.
(Check previous image before this one) Here we can see that the socket is as close to the white plastic block as it can get. I can not move the block further to…
The Vampire 600 v2 is now secured onto the A600 motherboard. Start to put the pieces together now.
Side view towards the MicroSD slot of the Vampire 600 v2. Seems as if we might have a problem with the edge of the shield getting in the way. Oh well, thats an…
Putting the A600 mobo back into the lower case. next we will connect the CF card and the floppy drive.
There, the A600 starts to look usable again. Now we have the Vampire 600 v2 board in place, CF card and floppy back where they should be. As you can see, if you…